I was really excited. I always am, whenever I have to begin a new painting. The theme I was on seemed so appealing that I found it difficult to sleep. When anything creative happens, I would never stop the perennial flow. So always, enthusiastically I got up that very moment, took a brush and started to paint. I was aiming for a transparent, sparkling white robe for my Buddha…white simplifying purity, with no split in his conscience. I moved a little back admire the colour, but wait!
Where is that dazzling white? What I could see was a very very light grey. I checked the tube again. It was a brand new flake white. I painted on a new area, but still, it was same light grey.
Since I could not paint till I got a new white, thought of returning to another painting which I was doing the previous day. As I took the brush dipped in black, suddenly I realised my mistake, I immediately took a new brush with the same white colour on it. This time it was dazzling in its full brightness on the canvas.
Actually, the problem was never with the white colour but was with my brush. It was not washed properly. Hence it had the little traces of that black colour in it. The moment I recognized what had actually happened, I realized something other too.
We do carry perceptions about people and so many times miss what they actually are becoming. Like me, they are too correcting themselves.
And I made up my mind strong that my interactions today will not carry traces of yesterday's colours.
Hope today is as much a new beginning for you to feel white about yourself, nothing grey!
With smiles...
Swathi Mohan
(Investing myself completely in the art of living)